
CS50 Libraries in VS Code

Inclusion of CS50 Libraries in Visual Studio Code

(Works on Debian 12)


Setting up a C development environment on Linux with essential tools like VS Code, GCC, C/C++ extension, and Code Runner extension is crucial for effective programming. This guide focuses on seamlessly incorporating the CS50 libraries into VS Code to enhance your C programming experience.

Step-by-Step Guide:


  • Ensure you have VS Code, GCC, the C/C++ extension, and Code Runner extension installed on your Linux system.
  • Download the cs50.h and cs50.c libraries from the official CS50 repository.

Open Your C Project in VS Code:

  • Create a new folder or open an existing C project folder in VS Code.

Include cs50.h and cs50.c Libraries in Your Project:

  • Copy both the downloaded cs50.h and cs50.c files into your project folder.

Edit Configuration UI for C/C++:

  • Press Ctrl+Shift+P to open the Command Palette.
  • Type “C/C++ edit configuration UI” and select it.
  • Scroll down to “Include Path” and add the path to your cs50.h library.

Modify Code Runner Executor Map:

  • Click on the gear icon in the lower-left corner of VS Code to access settings.
  • Search for “code runner executor map” and select “Edit in settings.json”.
  • Add or modify the "c" command in the settings.json file to include the path to your cs50.h and cs50.c files:
    "c": "gcc -I/path/to/your/project -L/path/to/your/project /path/to/your/project/cs50.c $fileName -o $fileNameWithoutExt && $dir$fileNameWithoutExt",

    Replace /path/to/your/project with the actual path to your project folder.

Write and Run Your C Code:

  • Write your C code, including the #include "cs50.h" statement.
  • Use Code Runner to execute the code (click the play button in the top right corner).

Note: Ensure both cs50.h and cs50.c libraries are placed in the same location within your project folder for successful compilation and execution.


By following these detailed steps, you can seamlessly integrate the CS50 libraries into your C project in VS Code on Linux (Debian). This setup enhances your development environment, enabling smooth and efficient C programming experiences.

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